Freedom Fuel

I've created a list of the most impactful and inspiring books, podcasts, and media I have consumed along my entrepreneurial journey. If it's on this list, it means I have consumed it multiple times, or would do so again.

Eckhart Tolle - The Power Of Now
Using awareness and presence to overcome anxiety and stay above the madness of the mind.

Naval Ravikant - How To Get Rich
The most to-the-point explanation of wealth creation.

Paul Millerd - The Pathless Path
Finding work that matters instead of defaulting to optimising for money.

Tim Ferris - The 4 Hour Work Week
The original frame breaker that proves you can have money and time.

James Clear - Atomic Habits
Start stacking small wins and watch your life change dramatically.

Robert T Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad
The first business book I read; soon after, I quit my job to work with an entrepreneur and really learn about business first-hand.

Jack Butcher - Visualize Value
The reason Formulate Freedom exists. Jack encouraged me to start writing and sharing my journey.

Seneca - Letters From A Stoic
It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.

Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
The confronting realisation that the same troubles weighing on a Roman Emperor 2000 years ago are the same today for you and I.

Sam Parr & Shaan Puri - My First Million
The perfect mix of business and entertainment from brainstorming $1M business ideas to interviews with successful founders.

David Senra - Founders
Studying the greatest entrepreneurs to ever live and sharing the highlights.

Kevin Austin - Yarn Yard
As my unofficial life coach, conversations with Kevin have provided paradigm shifting clarity and momentum for me. His podcast continues to introduce me to people and ideas i knew i needed but hadn’t yet found.

Paul Kalanithi - When Breath Becomes Air
I finished this book with tears streaming down my face, holding my son tighter than ever as i rocked him to sleep. If you are a parent, you simply must read this book.

Matt Ridley - The Rational Optimist
From the Stone Age to the Internet. A welcome and refreshingly optimistic take on our incredible species.

Tim Baker - The Rip Curl Story
Imagine a desire to pursue your passion puts you at the helm of a multi million dollar empire.

Yvon Chouinard - Let My People Go Surfing
Proof that ethical wealth creation is possible.

Phil Knight - Shoe Dog
The inspiring story of a passionate runner that turned $50 into $30 billion.

Ashlee Vance - Elon Musk Biography
Love him or hate him, It’s hard not to be inspired by his ongoing story.

Steve Jobs - Becoming Steve Jobs
It’s hard to overstate how much better the world is because of Steve Jobs.

Phil Jarratt - Salts and Suits
An incredibly comprehensive account of the Surf industry documenting the rise of many passion fuelled multi million dollar empires.

Silicon Valley - TV Series

Barons - TV Series

Startup - TV Series

Halt And Catch Fire - TV Series

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