Eckhart Tolle - The Power Of Now

Eckhart Tolle - The Power Of Now on Amazon.

A synchronistic little story about my introduction to Eckhart Tolle:

Dad would drive me to the train station in our Mitsubishi Verada, playing some wishy-washy self-help nonsense, while I scrolled on my phone. We didn't get along much at that stage.

Despite my initial disdain for what seemed like my dad's corporate cliché routine—heading to his executive job while listening to this bullshit—I began to realize it wasn't actually nonsense, and I started to pay attention.

I absorbed lessons and anecdotes about awareness, acceptance, and presence, which became foundational tools I used to get through the day in a job I didn't like. I never said a word to Dad or anyone else, but these little snippets of wisdom became coping mechanisms that would carry me for years.

About five years later, I arrived at my parents' house for dinner one night, chip on my shoulder, ready to argue with whoever would engage about how corrupt the world is and how it's designed to keep people like me from succeeding. I was steeped in a victim mentality and managed to spoil everyone's evening by constantly criticizing their way of life.

I stayed the night, and as I left the next day, my dad implored me to take and read a book. He handed me "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle. I accepted it with no intention of actually reading it but decided to skim through it on the train back to Beenleigh.

I couldn't put it down and instantly purchased his other book, "The Power of Now."

Eckhart Tolle broke down the concepts of ego, awareness, and living in the moment in such a way that it shifted my understanding of consciousness. The principles in this book became my bible—the lens through which everything I saw and felt passed through. The results were so life-changing that I can't even imagine where I'd be had I not read it at that time.

Some time later, I ended up following Eckhart Tolle on social media. Eventually, I clicked on one of his videos. I was struck by a profound sense of synchronicity when I heard his gentle German accent—something I hadn't heard since those drives through the cane fields with Dad all those years ago.

It was him!

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