How To Formulate Freedom

The Direction
Your business is exactly that, your business! While it isn’t 100% necessary it especially helps when it’s about something you love.
This module is all about direction.

The Product
Any old product is better than no product, but an original product is better than any old product.
This module is all about creating a product or service.

The Brand
A brand doesn't get its worth from the logo, the logo gets its worth from the brand.
This module is all about branding.


The Method
How you do it is equally important as what you do.
This module is all about infrastructure.


The Math
You need to know how much money you need to survive and divide that number by the amount of profit you can make per sale.
This module is all about math.


The Content
The smaller the niche, the further the reach.
This module is all about content.


The Reps
You grow through what you go through. All there is to it is to do it.
This module is all about reps.


The Philosophy
This module is all about philosophy.

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